Public Tickets All Categories Engage (59) Crexis (235) Waxom (102) North (297) Qaro (172) Purity WordPress (14) Purity HTML (8) Renown (79) Spacing (1) omws lightbox popup gallery with only one thumbClosed Engage Updated May 16, 2019 at 8:41am 4 Most recent comment from Filip:Haha, thank you!You could but that would require some more advanced tweaks in the theme's code (which falls into a paid customization area), I'm really sorry. Juliana Change theme default fontsClosed Engage Updated April 11, 2019 at 9:45am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hello Juliana, So, first off, I suggest that you install and use the Engage Child theme (but I understand that you already have that ready?). It's the "" file that is included in ... Michiel Govers Logo over bg-image in sliderClosed Engage Updated February 6, 2019 at 10:46am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi Michiel Govers,Yes of courseAdd the image via the element called 'Hero Section'.Within the settings, scroll down to the image selector called 'Extra Image' and just add it in there.See attached sc ... ivanderossi Background imageClosed Engage Updated January 21, 2019 at 12:08pm 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hello Ivan,Can you please tell me how exactly did you apply the pattern? Mind sharing WP credentials, as well? mlodeirs TranslationClosed Engage Updated January 10, 2019 at 10:48am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there,That is so strange? The string is clearly echoed within a translation function in the search.php file. Can you please try using the WPML String Translation or Loco Translate? jake2071 WordpressClosed Engage Updated December 10, 2018 at 9:31am 4 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi Jake,We've placed the "WordPress 5.0 ready!" in the theme description about 3 weeks ago. We cannot set it in the theme's "description sidebar" because ThemeForest has not yet added the "5.0" option ... melaha Hero sectionClosed Engage Updated November 16, 2018 at 9:27am 8 Most recent comment from Filip:You're welcome! woojinchae Set default single post layout to "side bar on left and right"Closed Engage Updated November 2, 2018 at 8:52am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there!Oh, I'm sorry but that is not possible at this exact moment. However, I'm adding it to our "to do" list and will definitely include it in a next theme update! As for now, you may paste the f ... woojinchae Changing sidebar's selected text colorClosed Engage Updated October 17, 2018 at 6:47am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there!You're very welcome.And great spot, actually! Here is a CSS code that will get that sidebar menu item highlighted in your accent color: .widget ul > li.current_page_item > a { color: #2 ... hotspotmarketing Top bar customisationClosed Engage Updated October 15, 2018 at 9:14am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there,I'm really glad you found it! There are indeed some individual styling options for the Top Bar in Theme Options / Header / Top Bar menu. hotspotmarketing Responsive hero sectionClosed Engage Updated October 11, 2018 at 6:57am 4 Most recent comment from Filip:You're welcome. hotspotmarketing Footer links - open in new windowClosed Engage Updated October 10, 2018 at 2:47pm 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there,We're escaping the copyright text and not all HTML is allowed. Anyway, we're adding the "Target" attribute to the supported attributes in the next update and you can enable it right now by ed ... hotspotmarketing Logo area not resizing correctlyClosed Engage Updated October 10, 2018 at 2:35pm 4 Most recent comment from Filip:You're welcome! hotspotmarketing Engage Slider - can you only have one?Closed Engage Updated October 5, 2018 at 7:43am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there!When creating slides (Engage Slider post type), on the right you may specify a slider category. Just create two different categories and assign particular slides to specific category. Then, w ... hotspotmarketing Blog posts not mobile responsiveClosed Engage Updated October 5, 2018 at 7:40am 2 Most recent comment from Filip:Hi there!Well, this is strange as it works perfectly fine on my side? I can see no text overlapping. Just checked on an iPhone X and it's all good there, too. What browser and what iPhone do you use?� ... 12345678910