Dear Customers! We're out of the office from the 6th of October to the 11th of October. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. For WordPress 5.5.* related issues, please visit this article



The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet If you get the The Package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error message then you are probably uploading the whole theme package zip file including the documentation, plugins and so on. ...

Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again. If you get the Are You Sure You Want To Do This? message after uploading the theme's zip file via Appearance / Themes menu in your WordPress, it means that your server has low upload limits. You may go around this proble ...

Can't import the demo content. If you can't import the demo content (the loading process never ends and the icon keeps spinning) then it's probably your server configuration that has low upload limits. The easiest way to fix this is to simply increase t ...

How to add Custom CSS It's very easy to add a custom CSS code to your theme. There are two ways to do so: 1. Theme Options panel You may add your CSS code directly via the Theme Options panel. Just navigate to "North / Advanced" tab ...

Theme Customization Dear Customer, If you are looking for a professional WordPress customization services then you don't need to look any further. We've just launched Veented Studio where you can hire us for any WP and Web related tasks: Veent ...

How do I access the old Support Forums? Our old Support Forums is still available but no new threads can be created. You may use it to find answers to hundreds of questions in over 3000 threads:

How to Improve Page Loading Times Top Ways to Increase Website Performance and Decrease Page Loading Times We’ve put together here a list of super easy ways to reduce your page loading times and improve the overall experience for your customers and client ...

How do I update my theme and plugins? It's very quick and easy to update your theme and plugins. We written a guide for each of the main themes if you need help. Please make sure your theme and plugins are up-to-date BEFORE you send a support ticket. Engage:htt ...

Essential Grid & Ultimate VC Addons Plugins Dear Customers, On 20th of September 2016, we've added two awesome, very popular, premium plugins (total value of $44) for three of our themes: Crexis, Waxom and North. These plugins are now a part of theme which means ...

WPBakery Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Layer Slider and other plugins ask for activation key If you see a notice from the WPBakery Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Essential Grid and Layer Slider plugin about plugin activation, you can dismiss it. Plugins that are bundled with themes do not come with addition ...

Google Maps not working Since few days, some of you may encounter an issue with their Google Map element: Google provides the Google maps service for free, but — due to a change of the policy — this service now requires a valid key for th ...

How to update North and it's plugins NORTH THEME AND PLUGIN VERSION NUMBERS If you update Visual Composer to a newer version than listed here then you do so at your own risk. Often VC has big updates which can break functionality of themes. Licence Keys & Plug ...

Contact Form 7 404 Not Found You may have this message on your site where the Contact Form should be: [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"] This is a Visual Composer’s side issue as it does not pass a default dropdown menu parameter into the shortcode (wh ...

WordPress 5.5.* Update & WPBakery issues Dear Customers,WordPress 5.5.* brings a lot of changes, especially regarding jQuery so it affects hundreds of different themes and plugins. If you're not sure all your plugins fully support the latest WordPress version, we ad ...

Getting Map Coordinates (lat,lng) The easiest way to get lat and long (lng) coordinates from an address is to use the following website: "Paris, France" it would be: 48.856613,2.352222

North Theme Hooks Crexis comes with numerous theme hooks that you may use to easily add new site content without affecting the parent theme.  Want to learn more? Please visit this article. Actions: north_before_header Before the site he ...

Rain effect not working If the rain effect does not work properly, please try the following:Edit the page via the WPBakery Page BuilderEdit the first row that holds the rain effect, and remove both the background image (in the Design tab) and disabl ...