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  Public Ticket #1767875
Set default single post layout to "side bar on left and right"


  • woojinchae started the conversation


    In general setting, Blog > Single Post> Blog page Layout, there are options for full, left, and right only.

    Is there a way to set default value to "sidebar on left and right," without having to go in and change it individually? 

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    Oh, I'm sorry but that is not possible at this exact moment. However, I'm adding it to our "to do" list and will definitely include it in a next theme update! 

    As for now, you may paste the following code in your child theme's functions.php file to permanently force a "dual sidebar" layout:

    function engage_page_layout( $page_id = null ) {
        return 'sidebar_both';

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team