Dear Customers! We're out of the office from the 6th of October to the 11th of October. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. For WordPress 5.5.* related issues, please visit this article

  Public Ticket #1360380
Update Ideas & New Feature Suggestions


  • Veented started the conversation

    Dear Engage user!

    We'd like to make this theme as good as possible and that's why want to build it with you! 

    In this public ticket, you may leave suggestions for new theme features (elements, shortcodes, options etc) and Demo Sites. We'd love to hear your ideas and incorporate them into our product to make it even better!

    Kind Regards,


  • Kateryna replied

    Hello. I have suggestions to improve your theme.

    1. It would be perfect if Client Logos element has option to choose opening links in current or new tab
    2. Create Services post-type with posibility to link Related Projects from portfolio to each service

    Kind Regards,


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Kateryna!

    Thank you so much for your suggestions!

    1. You got it - we're going to add an option to choose a link target (self/blank) to logo carousel in the upcoming theme update!
    2. I'd love to hear a bit more about this one. We're very careful about bloating the theme with more custom post types and I'm curious if it could be resolved any other way? Can you please provide more details of how would this look exactly and how is it connected to the current portfolio custom post types? Would it be achievable with a shortcode (Page builder block) instead?

    Thank you!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Kateryna replied

    Hi Filip.

    1. Cool! Can't wait for update.
    2. It should look similar to this  . Each service has its own page with description, related projects from portfolio and Call to action section. Engage Theme already has Call to action shortcode, so maybe you can create one more with Related projects with possibility to choose projects from existing portfolio and link different projects to each Service page. Maybe it is already possible with existing functionality and I haven't noticed it yet.

      Does my suggestion is clear and make sense? Please let me know if it needs clarification.

  •  361
    Filip replied


    Well, I'm sure this can already be achieved with Engage. You can just create a regular page with page builder. At the top, create a row of content with two columns. The one on the left would hold a "Widgetised Sidebar" component. That could be a custom sidebar created in Appearance / Widgets menu where you would add a "Veented Fancy Menu" widget. In the second, wider column on the right you can place any content you wish: text with icon boxes and more. After the first row, just add a portfolio grid with a limit of 2 items and choose a specific category of your portfolio items. Well, a picture is worth a thousand words:

    I hope that helps?

    However, one addition that would be missing here is choosing specific portfolio items (instead of a whole category). Going to add it in a next theme update for sure!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Kateryna replied

    Yes, it helps. Thank you for such detail explanation.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    You're more than welcome! I'm glad I could help.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Kateryna replied

    It would be better for UX to add links on Contact Details Widget to phone (tel:) and maps (link to Google maps) fields. And on Contact page either.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hello again!

    That's definitely a great idea. We will include it in the upcoming theme update!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi everyone!

    A new 1.2.1 theme update is on it's way in the review queue! There are many bug fixes inside and a brand new web element "Contact Details" (thanks Kateryna!) and here is a little sneak peak of it:

    The design result is very similar to the "Icon List" but this component is dedicated strictly for providing contact details. You may add a title, description, address (that can link to a Google Map), two phone numbers and two email addresses. You also receive dozen of styling options!

    A full changelog can be found below:

    10 November 2017 - 1.2.1
    Added: New web element "Contact Details" - a simple icon/text list for contact purposes: address (that can be linked to a Google Map), two phone numbers (open a phone tool) and two email addresses (open an email client).
    Added: An option in "Client Logos" element to open links in a new tab.
    Added: An option in "Client Logos" to increase logos height in case of vertical images.
    Updated: Contact related Engage Templates have been updated to the new "Contact Details" component.
    Fixed: Dark mobile header issues on mobile devices (wrong background color).
    Fixed: A mobile navigation toggle not being displayed on mobile devices when using "Top Center Logo" header design.
    Fixed: Wrong URL for images imported with few Demo Sites.
    Fixed: Portfolio Mosaic layout minor image resizing script issues.
    Minor bug fixes.

    On a side note, we can already tell that a BIG theme update is coming out this weekend with tons of new stuff so stay tuned!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Hi - I'm a website designer who has come over to Engage from using Woothemes canvas (which has been discontinued). The main features I'd like to see developed would be compatibility for custom post types and taxonomies.

    This would include:

    Page titles (able to show titles of custom post archives)

    Blog styling (single blog post styling applies to custom posts too)

    WP Bakery Blog section (add custom post types - not just posts - to a blog section)

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for your message! 

    1. Can you please elaborate on this one? The archives page for custom post types is actually already there and works just fine? Or would you like to be able to customize the custom post types archives page title? I'd love to hear as many details about this one as possible.
    2. Well, custom post types without a defined template (like single-portfolio.php or single-custom_post_type_slug.php) by default use the single.php that is a default template for a single blog post type. That being said, I'm not sure what exactly would you like to be able to achieve?
    3. That is already possible with one of the native WPBakery grid elements (like Posts Grid) or would you like to use the same layout as blog posts have?

    Thank you!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Hi Filip

    1. I had to add some code to my page-title.php file to get custom taxonomies to work properly. On this archive of a custom taxonomy the archive title was missing until I overode the page-title.php file in my child theme and added the following code to show it: <h1><?php echo single_cat_title( '', false); ?></h1> (if I remove the code I added the page tile area is blank here).

    2. I have submitted a support ticket for this - I'm finding all my custom posts are showing without sidebar while the standard post types have a sidebar (as selected in the theme options). Will let you know the outcome in case it's something I've done!

    3. Yep - the post grids show them fine but some of my clients prefer a blog layout (ie a single column blog list) it would be fantastic to have the blog posts widget with the option to select from custom post types as well as categories - would be very powerful!



  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Rob!

    1. I'm definitely going to add some action and filters to the page title area in the next theme version that will allow you to easily customize the displayed page title for various cases (without affecting the parent theme) and include it in the theme articles. The next theme update is planned for Monay and that's when the new features are going to be added. I'll keep you informed.
    2. I just checked that ticket and can see that the issue was actually resolved without a need to make any changes to the theme?
    3. Wonderful! Thanks for clarification. Added it to my "to-do" list and it's going to be included in the next theme update. It's going to be a separate element available in the page builder that will utilise all blog related layouts to display any custom post type.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Maxstoneg replied

    Hello! Please, add the Telegram social icon to your icons collection in Engage Theme. Thank you!

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Loving the new Posts element - one request though... Would it be possible to choose a selection of post types (not just one?!). I tend to give clients an easier admin experience by breaking down their content into custom post types. These are then categorised using global categories. To be able to choose from a checklist of post types (rather than just one from a dropdown) and then narrow the results by category (if needed) would give us a hugely powerful feature! (hoping the ability to list multiple post types by category isn't a huge issue!).


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    @Maxstoneg: Absolutely, going to add it in the next theme update. Thank you for that suggestion!

    @kinsey: Great idea! Can you please take a look at the screenshot below and tell me if that would be sufficient?

    I've also prepared a filter that would allow you to disable particular post types from showing up.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Hi Filip - yep - perfect - exactly what I need. You can then create blogs using different post types cross-referenced by category...

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi again,

    Great! It's actually working and ready to use and going to include it in the next theme update. You may drop me a private message in another ticket of yours and I'll provide you an updated version earlier.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Maxstoneg replied

    Is it possible to use a post image as a background of page title area in post as default? I have more than 100 posts, and it is hard to change title's background of everyone. Perhaps there was request for it before, it really will be helpful feature. It is very important for me now. Thanks!

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    This is not something that is possible out of the box right now but it does indeed sound like an interesting feature! I've just added it to our to-do list and you may indeed see it in the next theme update.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  2
    mietkiewczleszek replied

    It would be greateful if can turn off/on specific meta information in single blog post in title area, rather than modyfing source code in engage\framework\blog\blog-functions.php

    1. There: Engage Theme Options > Blog > Single Post i can only turn off/on the Meta Section. I wish i could edit this meta section and leave only date / category url link rather than it is now (author / date / category)

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    This is a very solid idea, we're definitely implementing it in the next theme update.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • T_Town2016 replied

    Hi there, 

    I have a suggestion for the Engage theme. For the 'Person' element, add a spot to include an email address along with the social media options. 


  •  1
    ibe1948 replied


    Translating the phrase"view details" in woocommerce products:

    The phrase is in folder engage > woocommerce > config.php line 64
    Need to be an option to translate it.


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there,

    @T_Town2016: great idea, definitely going to add it!

    @ibe1948: absolutely, going to include it in the next theme. Thanks!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied

    Hi Filip,

    Thank you,


  •  2
    mietkiewczleszek replied


    I think adding side bar background colour parameter to Theme Option -> Blog can be a good idea for future.

    Also adding posibility to change aligment (left, centre, right) of the text or any other of your widgets could be pretty nice. 

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    1. The sidebar background color may be tricky because it would involve a case when the background is so dark that the text is not visible anymore. But it's actually already possible to change the styling of particular widget elements so it may be possible... We'll definitely look into this!

    2. Are you talking about picking an alignment individually for each widget or globally for all of them? The first one would involve changes in some core WordPress widgets (adding an extra field to EACH of them) and that is not a proper way of adding theme features. A global setting is something definitely more approachable but I'd love to get some specific examples of what you're trying to achieve?

    Regarding the next theme update schedule: it's coming out next Tuesday/Wednesday.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied

    Hi Filip,

    Few suggestions regarding  creating a shop with veented theme;
    1. It would be nice if there will be more shop themes to choose from
    2. I would like to have a way to control the design of the shop, Like having the option of sidebars in any of the woocommerce pages.
    3.  I would like to have option to add a product slide show based on the theme style.

    Thank you very much

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Isaac!

    Thank you for your suggestions regarding the WooCommerce part of the theme! 

    1. We will definitely consider adding new shop demos!
    2. Adding some additional styling options for the shop part sounds like a great idea. I'm, however, not sure what you mean by "having the option of sidebars in any of the wc pages"? Can you please elaborate?
    3. I'd like to hear a bit more about this one, too.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied

    Hi Filip,

    Adding new shop demo will be great.

    Woocommerce has few pages like: "Cart" "Checkout" "Category page" and more.
    Some of the pages can not controlled since they are part of the plugin and some can be customize and can be seen in the pages list of wordpress.
    For exemple, In the shop I am working on now I wanted  add a title to the Category page. I managed to do it by adding description to the category and give the title a css code.
    Hope it helps,

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    ibe1948 replied


    I tried to set a sidebar in the product page but I did not find a way to do so.

    I wrote to Ms. Joanna and she said that there isn't currently a theme built in page layout manager within the product pages.

    Is there a code I can add to the Function PHP to solve it?

    Thank You,


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Isaac,

    I see what you mean there but have troubles understanding the last part. I'd appreciate if you could elaborate this part:

    For exemple, In the shop I am working on now I wanted  add a title to the Category page. I managed to do it by adding description to the category and give the title a css code.

    Regarding single product pages: you're correct, as for now there is no sidebar layout and it would require some extra tweaks in the theme's code to achieve it. It's a more complex change that would require modifications of multiple files so I'm not going to share it here but we'll definitely consider adding it in a next theme update.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied

    Hi Filip,

    Please see the images.

    Hope it clarifys the problem and the way to solve it.

    I understand that making the theme woocommerce friendly is not easy. But I am sure you and your team can do a great job like the job you did with "engage" theme.

    Looking forward to see the results.

    Best Regards'


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Isaac,

    Would you mind creating a new support ticket (when you write it, just mention that it should be assigned to me) and include your WP/FTP credentials so I can dig into your exact WooCommerce configuration (and easily translate certain parts of it to English) and come up with some solid solutions? I'd appreciate it.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • CelticRepairs replied

    HI Filip

    Joanna asked me to leave a Suggestion, The product pages on woocommerce shows as shop and does not show the correct page title for the product. this was working in Qaro so it should be showing in this theme, If you had any php code that can be inserted to make the title show up instead of shop then it would be great

    Thank you, Jack 

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Jack!

    Well, the product title is display next to the product image so we just didn't want to duplicate it. However, we may indeed an option to choose the page title behaviour on the product page (whethere it should be "Shop" or a duplicated product title). Definitely going to add it in the next theme update, thanks!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied

    Thank you!

    Best Regards,


  •  361
    Filip replied

    You're welcome!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • missegerup replied


    I would like to use my own designed icon as a design element in the Engage theme. Forexample i think about making a part of my own logo into an icon, that i can use where you allready have made it possibel to use icons. But i can't find anywhere where i can upload my own. Could that be a possibility in the near future?

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    In the latest update, we've added some hooks and filters that make it easier for developers to attach external icon fonts. However, they have to be in a font format but there is plenty of online generators out there that could transform your custom icons into a font. 

    The process is a bit complex (as it's now dedicated for developers, with a basic PHP coding knowledge) but I'm definitely going to write an extensive guide about it and/or add an easier method to add new icons. Anyway, I'm just going to reply to your other ticket to further investigate your exact case.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • lucienagasse replied
    Hey guys!

    Thank you for your work on this template.

    What about a Buddypress ready update for Engage?
    Could be good to have the template ready for this worldwide use plugin.

    All the best
  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for your suggestion! BuddyPress is definitely a big deal and we've been thinking about it for a while now. I think we'll definitely integrate it at one point, I just cannot say exactly when.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    ibe1948 replied


    after creating a shop using the "Engage" theme I have few suggestions

    1. plugins:
    woocommerce table rate -
    Social icons  in every page and product and  Widget Facebook like box
    Gift -
    Emails - WooCommerce Email Customizer with Drag and Drop Email Builder
    WooCommerce Product Bundles
    Yoast SEO
    WP Accessibility

    2. layout:
    More options for the header
    More options to style the store
    Optin to add video in the product page
    Option to add banners in every page


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Isaac,

    Thank you so much for your suggestions!

    1. Well, those are external plugins and products like "Yoast SEO", "WP Accessibility", "WC Emails" and others already work perfectly fine with Engage. I strongly believe other ones are independent from the theme?

    2. We will definitely look into those while preparing a next, big theme update.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • lionhoho replied


    Could you please add a login/sign-up (or my account) icon to the navigation bar?

    Thank you.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    That sounds like a brilliant idea. We're definitely adding it in a next theme update!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • huibi replied


    Would it be possible to have custom post types made with Toolset show up in the link section of the Engage slider? That would make me very happy :)

    Best regards,


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Ineke!

    Well, sure... I just need to think about the best way to deal with this. We could easily list all custom post types available in your WordPress but that would create a little chaos (some plugins create tons of custom post types that are not publicly visible). Would a custom filter/hook to be added in a child theme be sufficient for you?

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • huibi replied

    Yes, that would definitely be sufficient! :)



  •  361
    Filip replied

    Got it! Will definitely include it in a next theme update.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • huibi replied

    Thank you!

  •  361
    Filip replied

    If you want, you may create a new private ticket and I'll be glad to provide you an updated version of the theme right away.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • huibi replied

    Yes please! I will do that.

  • suzero replied

    Hi. Would it be possible to format the main heading / subtitle of a Hero section? I know you can choose font etc. but I need to determine where a line break occurs if that's possible. You can see an example on my homepage: ( It's the text that reads "Met bewegend beeld en geluid uw verhaal nóg krachtiger vertellen." over the video at the top. Where it breaks off the text now is not desirable. Or is that fixed because of responsiveness?

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    Well, you can already break it with a html tag "<br>", like:

    Met bewegend beeld en geluid<br>uw verhaal nóg krachtiger vertellen.


    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • lionhoho replied

    Hmmm....I just wondering how to unsubscribe the public tickets here? There is no place can setup.


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    You may see all available notification settings under your Profile / Notification Settings panel:

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • suzero replied

    There are no notification settings in the link you sent.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi again,

    Oh, it seems that our system provider offers them only ot admin accounts? I'm just sending them a message about it. So sorry for the trouble!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • suzero replied

    Hi Filip - in reply to your suggestion to insert <br> in the heading - that results in a </ br> in the text :-( See attachment (and I did only type <br> in the text).

    kind regards,


  • suzero replied

    This is what I typed

  • lionhoho replied

    Seems doesn't work for me, lol.

    The page is empty except a green button 'UPDATE PROFILE'

  • markcollins replied

    New Feature Suggestion

    The Engage theme (and all themes) needs a Landing Page template that has no heading, menu, or footer areas. Anyone using the theme for online marketing needs to be able to create landing pages that serve only one purpose, which is to capture an email address or get the person to fill out a contact form.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hello everyone,

    @suzero Oh, you're right. I think we decided to disable the br tag because it would cause troubles in mobile views (the content width is being reduced and your text would be split in three, weird lines). However, the br tag may be disable on a certain resolution and I think that could be a proper solution. I'm going to include this in a next theme update but I can apply it on your website right away if you open a new ticket and provide your WP credentials there along the details about the looks of your hero section content both on a desktop and mobile device.

    @lionhoho You're correct - that's what I replied to Suzero. Ticksy - the support system provider - has not yet responded to our question regarding this. They're located in the US and I strongly believe we're going to hear from them in a couple of hours. I'm so sorry about this.

    @markcollins Thank you for your suggestions! This definitely can be done and we're adding it in the upcoming theme update to be released in this week. Thanks again!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    The ability to have Engage Page Settings applied to custom posts types (like pages and posts) would be very powerful. I use lots of custom post types (created using Toolset Types) and end up writing additional css to remove the featured image or page title etc. from these at present...

    Thanks for listening!

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    I must admit that I'm a bit confused about the "remove the featured image or page title" part. Can you please elaborate a bit? What do you mean exactly? 

    Anyway, it is possible to enable the Page Settings metabox on any post type you wish but it's just not guaranteed it's going to work perfectly fine. You can do that by modifying the /wp-content/themes/engage/framework/metaboxes/metaboxes-general.php and changing the 866th line:

    'post_types'    => array( 'page', 'post', 'acme_product', 'portfolio' ),

    You can see that the array on the right side contains a list of custom post types it is enabled on. You may expand it as you wish.

    In the next theme update, we may add a new theme hook/filter to make it even easier.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Hi thanks for the work around. I am finding that on custom posts the theme automatically adds the featured image as  a large image just below the page title. I often need to remove the page title on custom posts too but having the ability to set this using the page settings like you can on default post types would be very useful. Perhaps a role manager type area in the settings where you can choose which post types to add page settings to (like in the WP Bakery Settings Role Manger)...

    Will give the post_types array modification a go - am I able to do this in my child theme by copying the folder structure and adding it there?

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi Kinsey!

    Thanks for the clarification. It definitely sounds like a fine idea but as I said - it's going to include a note that "we don't guarantee a 100% support for all custom post types" since some of them may be created by external plugins and can already be heavily modified.

    Just so you know, you may always create a php template file for your custom post types where you can just paste the code of the single.php file and modify it as you wish. I.e. if your custom post type slug is "article" then the file name would be "single-article.php". 

    And yes, you're able to do that within your child theme but you'll need to paste there the entire content of the metaboxes-general.php file (the entire function needs to be overwritten). :)

    Anyway, I'll definitely consider adding that hook in a next theme update for an easier modification. Thanks again for the suggestion!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • descara replied

    Hello! Thanks for a great theme. I was recommended to make a feature suggestion here.

    The issue is that I want to use commas in Simple Icon list's list items (f. ex. "Premiered at x, November 2014"), but since commas are used to separate list items, this turns into:

    Premiered at x

    November 2014

    Using HTML or Hex code for comma makes it so that the above does appear as "Premiered at x, November 2014" in the edit simple icon list menu, even after saving. However, on the page itself, it is still split up into two items.

    Would be great if it was be possible to use html code to get a comma in there! By switching to classic mode it's still possible to achieve, but would of course be neat if it was a smoother process.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for your kind words!

    So, this is something that WPBakery Page Builder incorporates itself. We can only do workarounds here. In the next theme update, we're going to introduce special character "shortcodes" so you would be able to use a comma like:

    Premiered at x(comma) November 2014

    Or something similar.

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • hotspotmarketing replied

    Would like ability to remove the author name (and possibly date too) under each blog post in the main blog page.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to add it in the next theme update. Thank you!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Kaila Sankaran replied


    I was wondering if it would be possible to create a search function that excludes featured images from search results.

  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hello Kaila,

    The easiest way to do that would be to use custom CSS code. Would you mind creating a new support ticket with your website URL so I can provide you with a snippet? Thanks!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  •  1
    kinsey replied

    Hi - my clients are very specific about the order they want their social icons in!

    Your social icons widget is great and the animations look slick but I need to put them in a certain order (like email as the last icon) - is this something that could be incorporated in a future update as I end up having to code them myself instead..?

    Oh - and can we please have a Discord option too please?!


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Hi there,

    You may easily adjust the social links order using CSS and flex layouts:

    If you send me your client's website URL in a new private ticket and point to the exact location you need the order to be changed, I'll be glad to provide you with a sample CSS to achieve it. 

    When it comes to a Discord icon, I'm noting it for the next theme update!

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Sascha replied

    Hi there,

    please add layouts for "The Events Calendar" like you do for WooCommerce.


  •  361
    Filip replied

    Thank you for your suggestion, Sascha, we'll consider adding it in the future

    Kind Regards,
    Veented Team

  • Eckankar QC replied

    Hi Engage,

    Please put back typography controls in text boxes, like before. Now we cannot customize the colour of a word in a body of text, like we used to. Or put a word in small caps. It was highly useful, but it is not possible anymore.



  •  1
    Dennis op den Buijs replied

    You all better move to a different Wordpress theme, the creator is not responding anymore to any support request or hasnt updated all his themes for about a year now.

  • andersen replied

    Hello, I agree that it's in your best interest to switch to a different WordPress theme. The creator hasn't responded to a single support ticket for over a year, and his themes are hopelessly out of date.

    Best regards, 


  • Jenny Astor replied


    From what I understood (pardon me if I am wrong), you can get the best suggestions from a web developer and designer. A few years ago a professional helped me with a similar kind of problem. Thus, I suggest you do the same. Again, this is just a suggestion, you can also search for answers on Google.

  • Thomas replied

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    Житомирська політехніка ( — це набагато більше, ніж просто навчальний заклад. Це місце, де наукові досягнення інтегруються з бізнесом, а знання трансформуються в реальні досягнення. Тут народжуються майбутні лідери — талановиті та амбітні молоді люди, які готові змінювати світ. Ми пишаємося нашими випускниками, які стали видатними професіоналами, визнаними науковцями та успішними підприємцями.

    Основні Досягнення та Переваги

    Житомирська політехніка сьогодні — це:

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    -Найвищий рейтинг серед університетів регіону за показниками Webometrics, Консолідованого рейтингу ЗВО України та ТОП200.

    -Понад 9000 студентів з постійно зростаючим контингентом протягом останніх 8 років.

    -6 факультетів, що пропонують широкий спектр спеціальностей,  включаючи бізнес та обслуговування –, гірничу справу –, інформаційно-комп’ютерні технології –, комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології –, національну безпеку, право та міжнародні відносини –, педагогічні технології та освіту впродовж життя - Кожен факультет( у нашому університеті – це унікальне місце, де студенти можуть знайти своє покликання та відкрити для себе нові горизонти.

    -Лідер у міжнародній діяльності та співпраці.

    -Спільнота однодумців, де кожен має змогу розкрити свій потенціал.

    Унікальне Поєднання Традицій та Сучасних Технологій

    Житомирська політехніка пропонує:

    -Міцні наукові традиції. Наші науковці володіють потужним потенціалом для проведення передових досліджень та генерації інноваційних ідей.

    -Сучасну освіту. Наші освітні програми відповідають потребам ринку праці та світовим стандартам.

    -Підтримку підприємництва та інновацій. Ми створюємо екосистему, що допомагає студентам і викладачам реалізувати свої ідеї, запускати стартапи та розвивати бізнес.

    Інноваційний Хаб: Осередок Розвитку та Співпраці

    В університеті успішно функціонує Інноваційний хаб Житомирської політехніки — платформа, де наука сприяє економічному зростанню. Тут ми:

    -Підтримуємо інноваційні проекти. Забезпечуємо ресурси, менторську підтримку та доступ до сучасного обладнання для розвитку перспективних ідей.

    -Сприяємо співпраці з бізнесом. Налагоджуємо партнерські відносини з провідними компаніями, щоб наші студенти могли отримати практичний досвід та працевлаштуватися за фахом.

    -Створюємо нові технології. Впроваджуємо наукові розробки, щоб покращити світ.

    Прикладом є воднева лабораторія, створена за підтримки Енергетичної асоціації «Українська Воднева Рада» Hydrogen Ukraine, яка передала університету водневий автомобіль «Toyota Mirai». У цій лабораторії студенти досліджуватимуть генерацію водню та його застосування в автомобільному транспорті.

    Запрошуємо до Нас

    Житомирська політехніка — це спільнота однодумців, де кожен може розкрити свій потенціал. Ми впевнені, що успіх — це результат колективної праці. Станьте частиною нашої динамічної та інноваційної спільноти, щоб отримати якісну освіту, цінний досвід та внести свій вклад у розвиток сучасної України.

    Житомирська політехніка — це ваш шлях до успіху та майбутнього!

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