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  Public Ticket #1024696
Different hover colors on menu


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    Asle started the conversation

    I have a problem with the hover color on the menu. When the page loads the menu links are white but when I scroll the menu links turn black. I want the mouseover color on the initial menu items to also be white and another color on mouseover when I have scrolled and the menu items are black. It seems I can only choose one mouseover color. In the CSS it is overrided with !important in css/style-dynamic.php from line 150.

  •  255
    Joanna replied

    Hi Asle,

    Sure, we can override that CSS for you. Just add the following CSS snippet into: Waxom > Advanced > Custom CSS Code box: li a:hover {color:#fff!important;}

    And that will make the hover color white on the transparent menu.

    Kind regards,
    Veented Support

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  •  2
    Asle replied

    Thanks Joanna, 

    that was maybe the only combination I have not tried! Thanks a lot!