

1. Can't import the demo content.

2. Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.

3. I'm getting a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing" error. What do I do?

4. Is there a Theme Documentation file included with the theme?

5. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet

6. Theme Customization

7. How do I access the old Support Forums?

8. WordPress 5.5.* Update & WPBakery issues

9. Getting Map Coordinates (lat,lng)

1. Can't import the demo content.

If you can't import the demo content (the loading process never ends and the icon keeps spinning) then it's probably your server configuration that has low upload limits.

The easiest way to fix this is to simply increase those limits and below are the recommended option values:

If you are not familiar with editing those values in your php.ini file then please contact your hosting/server provider. They should increase those values without in an instant without a problem.

wp-config.php Option:

You can also try to include the following value in your wp-config.php file:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );

Not all hostings allow this or are suitable for this (particularly if on a shared hosting). Ask your hosting for more info.

2. Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.

If you get the Are You Sure You Want To Do This? message after uploading the theme's zip file via Appearance / Themes menu in your WordPress, it means that your server has low upload limits.

You may go around this problem in two ways:

  1. Install the theme using an FTP client like FileZilla. The process is described in the Installing Theme article.
  2. Increase the upload limits on your server, described below.

Below are the recommended values for specific options in your server configuration:

If you are not familiar how to change those values in your php.ini file then please contact your host/server provider about it. They should change them in an instant.

3. I'm getting a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing" error. What do I do?

You are probably trying to upload a whole theme package file that you have downloaded from ThemeForest. You need to unzip it first and then upload the .zip file contained in there.

Please check this link for more information:

4. Is there a Theme Documentation file included with the theme?

But of course. It’s a file located in the /Documentation/ folder. 

5. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet

If you get the The Package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error message then you are probably uploading the whole theme package zip file including the documentation, plugins and so on.

All you need to do is to upload the correct, small zip file. You can get it both ways:

  1. If you downloaded "All files & documentation" zip file from ThemeForest then you need to unzip that archive file first. Inside, you will find a proper, smaller zip file according to theme's name, i.e., or That is the file you need to upload.
  2. You may always download just the "Installable WordPress file" directly from ThemeForest. That archive is already ready to be uploaded to ThemeForest:

6. Theme Customization

Dear Customer,

If you are looking for a professional WordPress customization services then you don't need to look any further. We've just launched Veented Studio where you can hire us for any WP and Web related tasks:

Veented Studio

7. How do I access the old Support Forums?

Our old Support Forums is still available but no new threads can be created. 

You may use it to find answers to hundreds of questions in over 3000 threads:

8. WordPress 5.5.* Update & WPBakery issues

Dear Customers,

WordPress 5.5.* brings a lot of changes, especially regarding jQuery so it affects hundreds of different themes and plugins. If you're not sure all your plugins fully support the latest WordPress version, we advise against the upgrade.

Regarding our themes, we've updated all of them shortly after the new WordPress version was released to address theme-related issues.

Theme Update

First, please make sure to update your theme to the last version and make sure to update an associated "Theme_Name Core" plugin as well (e.g. North Core, Waxom Core, etc). 

For update details, please check the following article:

We also strongly advise installing the Envato Market plugin for automatic updates: (but you might need to temporarily disable the theme for this plugin to work properly before the crucial theme update that resolves some issues).

Core Plugin Updates

Once you update the theme to the latest, make sure to update an associated Core plugin (instructions can also be found in the link above or you can just go straight to the Appearance / Install Plugins menu once the theme is properly updated to the latest version):

Plugin Updates

Once you update the theme and the core plugin, make sure to update all bundled plugins, especially the WPBakery Page Builder plugin - it has to be at least 6.3.0 version installed on your website.

Clear Browser Cache

Many of our clients reported they were still experiencing issues after doing all of the above. After clearing the browser cache, the issue was gone:

The issue remains

If you're still experiencing issues, we strongly advise that you install the jQuery Migrate Helper plugin:

If that doesn't help then it means it could be caused by some of your other plugins and we advise contacting the plugin author.

If none of the above helps, we advise that you temporarily downgrade to an older version of WordPress. However, all clients that contacted us about this have had their problem resolved by doing things listed above.

9. Getting Map Coordinates (lat,lng)

The easiest way to get lat and long (lng) coordinates from an address is to use the following website:

For "Paris, France" it would be: 48.856613,2.352222