
Generating a Personal Token

What is it about?

With 2.0 version of the theme, we are introducing a "Purchase verification" field. It allows us to verify your ThemeForest purchase (powered by the official Envato API) and offer you premium functionalities, like Automatic Theme Updates.

How to generate a Personal Token?

To generate your own, personal Personal Token, please visit the official Envato API website

You may be asked to log in using your ThemeForest marketplace credentials. Please type your username, password and click Sign in:

When you're logged in, you will be presented with a Create a Token page that consists of two sections:

1. Token name

This is your personal token name. It can be anything, like "Engage Theme".

2. Permissions needed

A set of checkboxes with various permissions you are granting the app. We need these to verify your purchases and allow update downloads directly from Envato Servers:

In the end, just make sure it looks like the following:

When you're done with the above, just check the "I have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions" confirmation box and click the Create Token button:

Copy your Personal Token

After that, you will be presented with a popup window with your personal token key (it's displayed next to a "key" icon):

Please copy your personal token, then confirm the storage by clicking on the checkbox and press the "Woohoo! Got it." button. 

Paste your Personal Token in Theme Dashboard

Now, paste your newly generated Token Key in the "Purchase verification" box in the Engage / Dashboard tab in your WordPress and click Submit.

If your Token is correct, you will be presented with this view:

That's it! When a new theme update is out, you will be notified in your Dashboard / Updates menu or in Appearance / Themes tab.